Q: Why did the imaginary number turn red?
A: It ran out of i drops!
Q: What do you get when you cross a linebacker and a computer geek?
A: A linear programmer!
Q: Why did the doctor send the expression to a psychiatrist?
A: It wasn't being rational!
Q: Why are you drumming on your algebra book with two pencils?
A: Because, we're studying log rhythms!
Teacher: Why did your mom and dad do your algebra homework?!
Student: They are really good at parent functions!
History Vs. Math
Once upon a time...a history teacher and a math teacher had a debate over which is better, math or history.
History teacher: I will resurrect Stalin's army and command them to assassinate you!
Math teacher: Oh really...., well, then, i'll just put the army in the bracket and multiple it by zero!
Note: All of the jokes stated above were taken from jokes4us.com
taken from: https://www.pinterest.com/oedoll/dr-sheldon-cooper-3/ |
taken from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/13/science-jokes-geeky-one-liners-nerds-love-slideshow_n_3417307.html?ref=topbar
Haha! A comedic love tragedy:
One more story joke...
ex and a constant were walking down the street. The constant notices a differential operator walking along the other side of the street. “Oh, no!” exclaims the constant. “I’ve got to run away! You’ve got to hide me! There’s a differential operator – he could reduce me to nothing!” “Ha,” came the haughty reply. “I’m ex. He can’t do anything to me.” So ex walked across the street and introduced himself. “Hi. How are you doing? I am ex,” he bragged. “Pleased to meet you,” replied the differential operator. “I’m d/dy.”
taken from: http://satprepget800.com/2014/04/28/dr-steves-favorite-math-jokes/
And...Last, but, never least!
taken from: http://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/951571_700b.jpg |